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Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela interim country strategic plan (2023–2025)

Operation ID: VE01

ICSP approved at EB February 2023 session

For the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela (hereinafter referred to as Venezuela), food security remains a national priority. Although the country is in a process of economic change and growth, 1 it has been affected by economic problems including from external factors such as the rising global food prices, the cumulative effects of the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic, climate risks and global supply chain disruptions, as well as limited access to international markets and investment.

The country is in a phase of gradual economic recovery and has established development priorities in the country's economic and social development plan (Plan de la Patria 2025), with special emphasis on the areas of food security, nutrition, education and environmental conservation.

Against this backdrop, WFP began operations in Venezuela in 2021. The memorandum of understanding establishing the organization in the country was signed with the Venezuelan State on 19 April 2021, and the distribution of school meals began in July 2021.

Based on the experience gained during the first year of operations, as well as a broad consultation process, this interim country strategic plan includes four outcomes agreed with the Venezuelan State and aligned with the Plan de la Patria 2025. These outcomes are aimed at contributing to the country's food and nutrition security through improved access to food for the population, greater attention to nutrition for the population, the promotion of activities for the recovery of livelihoods, the building of capacity to deal with the effects of climate change and the strengthening of the country's productive and logistical capacity.

WFP will focus its action on boys and girls in early and special education, other school-age groups that may be prioritized, school personnel, pregnant and lactating women and their families and other groups prioritized in coordination with the State in urban and rural areas, including people affected by natural disasters. Persons with disabilities, indigenous peoples and Afro-descendant people, among others, will be prioritized.

This interim country strategic plan is aligned with the development policies of the new United Nations sustainable development cooperation framework for Venezuela for 2023–2026 and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

Activities under this interim country strategic plan include support for school meals and food support for priority populations, support for climate risk management, resilience building relevant to climate change, strengthening of food systems infrastructure and logistical capacity and strengthening of national production chains. Interim country strategic plan activities draw on WFP's global experience in these areas.

Outcome 1 of this interim country strategic plan focuses on the provision of a comprehensive school feeding package to boys and girls in early and special education and other groups in the school system, their families, pregnant and lactating women, and school staff, prioritized in coordination with the State.

Interim country strategic plan outcome 2 is oriented towards cooperation, support for and technical assistance to state institutions and national actors in prioritized areas. This includes the strengthening of agri-food systems, logistical and support capacity, institutional procurement and production chains, as well as capacity development relevant to monitoring, adapting to and managing the effects of climate change.

Under interim country strategic plan outcome 3, in coordination with the Venezuelan State WFP will provide needs-based food support to prioritized populations as an immediate response to natural disasters. In addition, the outcome includes technical assistance, assessments, risk analysis and tools for supporting emergency preparedness and climate risk management.

With interim country strategic plan outcome 4 under its global mandate in the United Nations system, WFP will contribute to the strengthening of the logistics sector, mobilizing its knowledge, expertise and operational capacity in supply chains, public procurement, logistics, procurement of inputs for production processes and technical cooperation.